These are some of the big names in the history of medcine. Hippokrates of Kos, Louis Pasteur, and Robert Koch have shaped modern medicine (arte video). Not only the Covid-19 crisis lets us focus again on their lasting merits for science and health. In comparing the mortality rates per 100.000 population of the major countries concerned (as of 9.4.2020) we witness striking differences in nation-states to cope with the spread and mortality of the virus.
The shocking info of the figure shows the huge gaps between countries, and particularly within Europe between neighboring countries. Details on mortality within European countries, i.e. between regions within a country are of a similar spread. Hence there is a need for an unbiased algorithm to distribute sick patients to free hospital or only intensive care beds. Run this algorithm on a fairly continuous basis to solve the puzzle of empty beds in one region of Europe and an overload of patients in other regions. Through this procedure of „highly secured transportation (just as happening within France) a large scale logistic operation including the different timing of overload in regions and countries could be managed in a true European spirit. Testing, Testing, Testing and anti-virus vaccination has to be developed meanwhile.
The European programme or cohesion fund could be called similar to the ERASMUS-programme of the EU the Hippokrates of Kos, Louis Pasteur, or Robert Koch programme. Much better than the ugly discussions about the financing of the economic budget deficits, which have not benn devoted to public health efforts in most countries in past years. Data from OECD and my insights on this here.
Distribution of Hospitalisation in France (Source ESRI France 8.4.2020)
Quelle abgefragt am 9.4.2020
For Italy source